Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso
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FIND, Copyright © 1989, by Larry Phillips.
This program may be freely distributed, in its entirety only,
including updatedb, find, and find.doc. No chage may be made for
this program beyond a reasonable media charge. It may be distributed
on any public or private BBS or telecommunication service, provided
there are no extra charges for downloading, beyond normal connect
time fees.
If you use find, and like it, if it saves you time, or if you have
comments, criticisms or a wish list, please send me a postcard from
where you live. Consider the cost of the postcard and stamp a
shareware fee. If I could include the card and stamp in the
distribution, I would.
Send to:
Larry Phillips
3575 E. 28th Ave.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5R 1T4
UPDATEDB: creates the files used by find
Updatedb will create a file called 'find.codes' in a directory
called 'FindDB:'. It will take a while, so don't panic (it takes
about 4 1/2 minutes on my setup, but the time taken will depend
entirely on how many directories and files you are catalogging). The
file created will only match the actual contents of your partitions
until you save, delete, or move files around, but it is a simple
matter to run updatedb once a day (more or less, depending on your
disk activity, and how long you can remember the changes you make on
your disks).
Syntax: updatedb [ [-v] dhn: dhn: ...]
dhn: device name.
-v: verbose mode. This is a debuggin feature for updatedb, in
case you have a problem with a partition or filename. It
will show you which directory it was working on when it
failed. The directory names are sent to the screen,
delimited with vertical bars ('|'), in a different colour.
The -v option is used only when entering the partition names
on a command line.
Examples: updatedb ; take arguments from FindDB:find.config
updatedb dh0: dh1: ; catalog dh0: and dh1:
updatedb -v dh1: ; catalog dh1:, verbose.
If you specify partitions on the command line, they will be used to
generate the find.codes file. If you don't specify partitions,
updatedb will look for a file in your 'FindDB:' directory called
'find.config'. This file should have _only_ one line in it,
consisting of the partitions you want to include in the catalog,
separated by spaces. In either case, the last partition named in
'find.config' or on the command line will be the first one processed,
so you should put them in order of least likely to most likely to be
updatedb may be stopped by typing a CTRL C. It will stop after
processing the directory it is working on.
find.codes: This is a straightforward file, consisting of directory
names and file names, separated by NULL bytes. (hex 00). Directory
names will always end with a colon (':') or a slash ('/'). The order
is as follows:
dirname/ NULL filename NULL filename NULL dirname/ NULL filename NULL ...
FIND: find files and directories on hard disk
Find uses a database file called 'find.codes', to quickly find any
directory or file. These two files are created by the companion
program 'updatedb'.
Output from the program may be halted at any time by pressing
CTRL C. I debated a long time on where to check for the CTRL C, for
speed considerations,and finally decided to check only when a match
was detected, and right after the directory search. This means
that the directory will be completely searched if there are no
matches. It ends pretty quickly anyway (see comments on speed
Syntax: find [-e] string
string : the string to match. Without the '-e' argument, the
string need only be contained in the directory or file
entry. For example, the string 'game' will match
'game', 'games', or 'endgames'. See '-e' below for
exact matches.
-e : Optional, [E]xact. Matches directories and filenames
only if the string argument matches exactly. For
example, the argument 'game' will not match a directory
or file named 'games'
Setting it up
Find and updatedb contain a few 'hardwired' assumptions.
The first assumption: I have an assigned directory called 'FindDB:'
You can set up a directory like this, and make the assignment, or if
you wish to have your find files elsewhere, use a file zapper to
change the path/filename in both programs. I welcome suggestions on
how best to set up the configurability.
The second assumption is only in updatedb, and that is that if no
command line arguments are given, it looks for them in
Everyday usage:
I usually run updatedb once per day, either before going to bed or
before going to work. It would be a good candidate for putting in a
crontab to run at some time you will not be using the machine.
Find is extremely fast, especially when compared with searching a
disk with DIR or LIST. If I invoke it with a string that I know will
not be found (eliminating screen output time), it will do a complete
search in between 2 and 7 seconds, depending on the length of the
pattern searched for (longer patterns take less time). Before you
groan and tell me that isn't fast, let me tell you about my find
files and disk partitions...
My FindDB:find.codes is 133351 bytes long, consisting of 1174
directory entries and over 10,000 file entries
If you are anything like me, you forget where things are, and
waste a lot of time looking for them. On my current setup, it would
take me over 5 minutes to do a 'dir all' of all partitions, and more
time still to search the output for the file I want. The disk space
overhead in having the find files is quite small.
Larry Phillips: CIS - 76703,4322
Usenet - lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca
or uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips